
Results gathered for Lebor gabála Érenn/2A. Introduction

Dublin, Royal Irish Academy, MS 23 P 12 
incipit: Sguirim tra do scelaib na nGhaedheal adfeadsam go ro ais-neidheam ...   incl. Hériu a cía fhiarfaigther dim   
in section: f. 12ra.inf–f. 12rb = p. 21a–p. 21b
Oxford, Bodleian Library, MS Rawlinson B 512/III (ff. 75B-100, 37-44) 
context: Lebor gabála Érenn (Recension B)   incipit: Scuirem do scelaib na nGoidel   incl. Lebor gabála Érenn/2A. Introduction, Lebor gabála Érenn/2B. The Antediluvians, Capa is Laigni is Luasad grind   Macalister, vol. 2, §§ 172-173. Incl. first line of poem beg. Capa is Laigne is Luasat grind.
in section: f. 76Bra.13–f. 76Bra.31